Protest of Property Purchased the Previous Year

In 2019, a homeowner who purchased their home the previous year was fearing the value the appraisal district would put on her residence, and hired us prior to values being mailed out. When we received the notice of value, the home that was purchased for $2,200,000 6 months before was valued by the appraisal district for “only” $1,665,514. Undeterred, we protested on the grounds of an unequal appraisal, and pointed to several other new homeowners who were valued at an even lower rate than she was.


Result: We achieved a further $131,000 reduction at the ARB hearing which netted the owner an additional $3,400+ in property tax savings.

Protest of Property Taxes Two Years
in a Row

We were retained by a homeowner in 2019 a mere three days prior to his scheduled protest hearing in front of the ARB. His home had a notified value of $2,200,000, and he was looking to get a value closer to $2,000,000. We successfully settled the protest with the appraisal district, prior to the scheduled hearing for a value of $1,800,000. In 2020, the appraisal district left the notified value unchanged at $1,800,000.


Result: We felt there was enough evidence to support an even lower value, a protest was filed, and we achieved another $100,000 value reduction to $1,700,000 in 2020. This resulted in an additional $2,600+ savings in property taxes.

Appeal of an ARB Decision

In 2020, we were retained by an owner of a rental property whose notified value increased to $509,822 from the $435,000 value in 2019. We achieved a modest reduction at the ARB to a value of $495,000. We further consulted with the homeowner about his options, and suggested he appeal the ARB decision via binding arbitration.


Result: Prior to arbitration, we offered to settle the protest for the 2019 value of $435,000. The appraisal district was willing to settle at $465,000. We went into the arbitration hearing with a compelling argument showing a severely unfair assessment and won at arbitration getting a value reduction to $360,236.

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