How to protest your 2021 Tarrant property tax appraisal
If you’re thinking of protesting for the first time, here are the basics. Sometime in the next few weeks, property owners will receive in the mail an appraisal notice showing the taxable value of your primary home. Unless you’re a recent home buyer, the increase is capped at 10% annually. (If you just bought, the […]
Burden of proof for property value.

A Texas law now prohibits the chief appraiser from increasing the appraised value of the property in the following tax year unless the increased value is reasonably supported by SUBSTANTIAL evidence or by presenting evidence showing that an inequality in the appraisal of property was correct. The burden of proof is on the chief appraiser […]
Why should you protest your property taxes?

It’s likely your home has never been individually appraised.Instead, the proposed value of your home is based off of a mass appraisal. The appraisal district does not have the manpower or time available to appraise each and every home.